HK SuperSimple ESC good resolution?

I'm sitting on some Hobbyking SuperSimple SS 40 amp ESCs and was wondering whether anybody has had success with them. I know that even in terms of "cheap overseas stuff" they are the cheapest of the cheap (I'd imagine the Plush series would do great), there might be hope that these would do as well. Any input? Thanks!

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  • You could try this link
  • A friend of mine build a quad with the HK SS25/30 two month ago, after repairing his quad (had I nice crash) one of them send's smoke signals :) No idea if that has something to do with his crash.
    We replaced it and all worked fine up to know. So maybe you should buy one spare part (they are really cheap, so this shouldn't a problem ;)
  • there were some problems with these ESCs, i don't know if it's general or if it were individual cases


    I greatly recommend turnigy plush to everyone willing to build a quad ;)

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