Homemade Predator Drone

Hi folks,I'm just getting into the "drone" aspect of this. I was into robots for a long time, faded out, and into RC foam airplanes. Now, I'm trying to merge the two a bit. I built a fully flyable Predator-esque plane, for foamboard that flies great with a brushless motor and LiPo battery. Plans aren't available yet, but will be in a week or two from RC Foam Fighters, for free. Here's the video page on YouTube, so you can see so far. I hope to get first person flight this weekend.https://www.youtube.com/user/rcFFBloodyMicks

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  • Ok, the free plans are now available over at the RC Foam Fighters blog.

    Foam, Glue, Tape And A Little Imagination
  • Benjamin, glad to hear you like it so much. Stay tuned, I have lots of plans. My Ardupiilot is ordered. :)

    Everyone else...why do I keep finding whispers in the dark that the Predator makes a lousy plane? I have searched and search for reasons, and all I find is posts that say "look through the threads, its not a very good plane for an autopilot". I am totally new to autopilot stuff, but am flying my Predator. All I can figure is that its a bit twitchy in the elevator, but that's easy enough to adjust out. I don't like the V-tail, but my next Predator wiill have an EPP nose to absorb impact, and the the V-tail fins wiill be Elevator only. Bank and yank at worst, but I'm going to put the under-rudder back on. At that point, it should have standard aircraft controls.

    Just trying to learn,
  • RC foam fighters ftw im so glad to see ur getting into this and i hope to see any n all info u come up with! *is subscribed to u* im so excited! I am anxious to see the next video!
  • 3D Robotics
    Hey Tim,

    It's best if you embed the video in your post. Just past the embed code in and it should work. You can edit it to do that now...
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