Houvering UAV

i am trying to built a Quad Rotor UAV. I need some help regarding the interfacing of microcontroller and ESC to control the various speed settings of brushless motors.

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  • 3D Robotics
    Paparazzi can work with quadrotors.
  • Have you looked at the other quad rotor UAVs out there to see how they do it? There's the UAVP (uavp.ch), Mikrokopter (http://mikrokopter.de/ucwiki/), BigQuadro (http://www.tt-tronix.de/), and probably others. At least the first two in the list are open source. The UAVP uses a PIC and supports a wide variety of ESC types. The Mikrokopter uses an Atmel chip and only supports ESCs controlled over the I2C bus.

    None of the above are completely autonomous (yet). The Mikrokopter is the closest if you have the NaviBoard which currently supports a "return to home" feature, but from what I have read the source code for the NaviBoard has not been released.

    I have a UAVP, but am just starting to work on understanding the code.
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