How can ı get ardupilot gps coordinates with mavlink?

I am newbie on ardupilot and ı want to get gps locations with mavlink first ı download arducopter library  from and upload ardupilot with arduion IDE there a lot of ino files in arducopter sketch and now ı want to add some function but which ino files there is arducopter ino I think this is main class. And there is mavlink ino file and there are a lot of functions. but how can ı use that functions to get coordinates and one more think ı just want to send these coordinates to another arduino with xbee

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  • Did you get it working? I am working on the same problem

  • Hey! Did any of you guys get it going? I am working on the same problem

  • Hello, i am currently working on the exact same problem by implementing a mavlink protocol which contains mavlink messgaes that could encode and decode commands that could be sent to the apm board via the arduino board. refer to

    • Hello can you explaing bit more?

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