"Hello i am very much interested in a similar setup for my research . How did you go about changing the port for each Arducopter instance.. cause i think it uses port 14550 by default right??..and if this is not changed it leads to a lot of conflict.…"
i am very much interested in doing something quite similar? have you also tried running 2 instances of mavproxy and calling the same script?. on both>.."
I am very much working on this same issue and also would like to know if you were able to communicate with 2 ports from the same python script? any insight on how you approached this matter would be greatly appreciated
thank you."
"Hello, please I am very interested in improving the follow me box with arduBeacon project, due to the fact it is part of my PhD research, I noticed you had a snippet of the code, on a link before however it seems that link is expired now. I would…"
"hello, Please I am currently involved in a similar project where i need to write a set of way points to the arducopter flight controller from another application.. Do yu think you could show a snippet of your code where way points are being…"
I am currently doing a project of similar to yours( synchronous flying of 2 drones via mavlink protocol) .. I think it would be useful if we could exchange information to facilitate our projects"
"Hello, I am currently working on a project quite similar to this as well?? I would please like to know if you succesfully completed yours. As I just have a few questions?"
"Hello, i am currently working on the exact same problem by implementing a mavlink protocol which contains mavlink messgaes that could encode and decode commands that could be sent to the apm board via the arduino board. refer to …"
"Hello, I am currently working on a project quite similar to yours actually??? did you have any luck with it.. It would be nice to communicate and exchange ideas?"