How do I build a Reconnaissance Mission

Fellow Enthusiasts

Although I'm a frequent flyer with Mission Planner, wholly devoted to flying survey missions in mountainous terrain (flying at least once a week for the past year).

I do not know how to construct a reconnaissance mission, using a standardized procedure. 

If need to take a series photos of a river, rail or road.  For river; I would to fly far up the right bank, turn and and then fly down its left bank - a reconnaissance mission.

I understand in (FLIGHT PLAN window), I can create a string of waypoints in table format, changing the first WP to TAKEOFF, change second WP to 'DO_CHANGE_SPEED, change third WP to DO_SET_CAM_TRIGG_DIST,  set fourth WP and/to n-1 WP at flight locations, with change of final WP to RETURN_TO LAUNCH.  

Given the process above seems a little cumbersome for the elegancy of Mission Planer,

Does anyone know a better method to create a reconnaissance mission?

MP Rec. Mission.JPG

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