I have an ArduCopter that I want to show it's location on a custom ground station.  How do I read the lat/lon info from the telemetry module (I'm using an XBee 900MHz with the sparkfun USB board)?


Is this information available through the MAVLINK protocol?


Is there any example code or apps I can look at written in either Java, Python or C++?



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  • Jeff, I am having the same problem that you were having. I am currently using the c_uart_interface_example code . Specifically the mavlink_serial.cpp. I am just getting the heartbeat messages:

    Received message from serial with ID #0 (sys:1|comp:1):
    Received message from serial with ID #0 (sys:1|comp:1):
    Received message from serial with ID #253 (sys:1|comp:1):
    Received message from serial with ID #253 (sys:1|comp:1):
    Received message from serial with ID #0 (sys:1|comp:1):
    Received message from serial with ID #0 (sys:1|comp:1):
    Received message from serial with ID #0 (sys:1|comp:1):
    Received message from serial with ID #0 (sys:1|comp:1):

    I think the reason its doing that is because there was no request stream. So included the following line that you had:

    mavlink_msg_request_data_stream_pack(127, 0, &message, message.sysid, message.compid, MAV_DATA_STREAM_RAW_SENSORS, 1, 1);

    It is still not working. I am new to MAVLink and its difficult to decipher whats going on. Any help is highly appreciated.


    • Hi Suresh,

      I am also facing the same issue. Did you manage to decipher it?

  • 3D Robotics

    Yes, it's all available through MAVLink. Documentation is here

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