
  • hi I have the same problem ,did you solve that?

    Pavan Shetty said:

    Hello, I am having problems in setting up Px4Flow with pixhawk. It says "Bad OptFlow Health" also opt_m_x and opt_m_y values are 0.

  • Hello, I am having problems in setting up Px4Flow with pixhawk. It says "Bad OptFlow Health" also opt_m_x and opt_m_y values are 0.

  • Bump - I'd really like to see some more documentation on this as well
    • also take a look at this thread:!topic/px4users/wXcDtNzXNRU

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    • hey adam so they have

       from the instructions at the link i gave u, I'm trying to figure out where to put this line of code:

      "In the ROMFS/px4fmu_common/init.d directory, add the line “mavlink_onboard start -d /dev/ttyXX -b 115200” to the appropriate file"  

      I'm using a 

      3DR RTF Quad 2013

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