Ok I have been trying and tring everything to get my alt hold to work. and I have been getting very little help, I am about out of time. I have to have this copter ready to go in less then 24 hours.  How do I revert back to ver. 2.0.46, it worked pretty good for alt hold. IIf anyone wants e-mail me direct and I can give you my phne # and work on it in real time. tc3wins@hotmail.com or skype. but please need help asap, to get this up and running .

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  • Moderator

    Here's the thing; without seeing the data from the sonar, how do we know what to change/fix? If the sonar output is not jiving with the barometer reading, we can change code/PID settings all we want and you'll still be in the same boat. If they're congruent then we can focus on a code fix or tuning to help.

  • Agin sorry for little help comment, but when you spend alot of money on something and can't get it to work. it is frustrating. Now I am not new to multirotors. and I have experience with the multiwii and kk boards, and mk clone boards. but I wanted to try this, and will say the copter is one of the most stabe, and I like the gps it locks on everytime mag works great, I just need to get the baro working and I will be all set. and that was the biggest reasons for getting the adrucopter, was for the baro.. and having it not work makes me think I want in the wrong direction.

  • What I ment by little help is I keep getting the same answer, that answer isn't working. sorry about that. I have downloaded the code, but everytime I go thru adrino it gives all kinds of errors. and the missin planner only let me do ver 2.0.47 or later. can I call one of you guys and explain it better. My keyboard is having issues. I just went ahead and deleted all off the computer to start from scratch, but the mission planner is still only letting me use 2.0.47 or newer.


  • Moderator

    Very little help? Okay.

    Anyway, please post a screenshot of the graph of baro. vs. sonar data as Chris described how to obtain in one of your earlier threads. I don't remember seeing that yet.

    Others have issues with sonar as well and have resorted to cable shielding and sonar sensor power decoupling with a capacitor as described by Maxbotics. Have you tried any of that?

    As far as reverting to .46, have you looked on the downloads page? It's there...  http://code.google.com/p/arducopter/downloads/list


  • I have checked everyting, I have read all the wiki pages. I have the foam on the baro, I have the sonar away from the electrics,I have adjusted pid, and I know it is not the hardware, as I have 2 adrucopters, and both are now doing the same thing.  

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