Ok I have been trying and tring everything to get my alt hold to work. and I have been getting very little help, I am about out of time. I have to have this copter ready to go in less then 24 hours. How do I revert back to ver. 2.0.46, it worked pretty good for alt hold. IIf anyone wants e-mail me direct and I can give you my phne # and work on it in real time. tc3wins@hotmail.com or skype. but please need help asap, to get this up and running .
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well after finally getting 2.0.46 back on still had problems with both quads. so I oped for the newest version one more time, and I changed a few things around ant started with no sonar. and for some reason it worked. and when I added the sonar. I had to lower my PI for the alt hold to get it to work pretty good above 10 feet. now the weird thing I did the same for my second copter, and added the sonar. and didn't have to make much adjustments. and it is working almost perfect. so I don't know what I did but both copter are working good now. I want to thak all who helped, and sorry for my many posts. alll in all I am really happy with the arducopter it is now one of my favorites.
Ok tried it same errors. this is what it says. in adrino when I compile. 'AP_int16' does not name a type
If things worked with 2.0.46, and you have little time, I agree that you should go back to that version. If Arduino does not compile the code without errors, it's probably because it uses wrong libraries. Easy fix:
Download Arduino and unzip to a new folder: http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
Download AC 2.0.46 http://code.google.com/p/arducopter/downloads/list
Unzip AC 2.0.46, put the files in a new folder on your desktop, keep it separated from the Arduino folder!
In the folder you placed on the desktop, browse to ArduCopter2.0.46/ArduCopter/. Right click the arducopter.pde file and choose to open with --> Arduino.exe.
Compile and upload to your board.
Connect with missionplanner, reset board and setup everything.
Is there anyone out there that is willing to help me with the problems I am having over the phone. It is easier for me to explain what the copter is doing over the phone, also helps walk me through this. Or even skype. I see there is a ton of you on here that have perfectly working copters or working good.. So I am pleading , for someone to take the time and help me get this thing alt holding . I have been able to get both my copters to fly, and alt hold with sonar, but not baro. I have tried to post a screen shot but I am not sure if it was the right screen shot. I have arond 15 hours to get these up and going with the baro.
Here is a screen shot.
alt hold 2.jpg
Is there a way to load 2.0.46 without using adrino?
"You can see any output value in the Mission Planner "status" tab or click the "tuning" checkbox and double click the legend at the top to chose the data you want to graph."
How do I show the sonar reading and the baro reading on the missin planner, I will do what ever I can to get this thing working.
even without the data. the copter is doing the same thing with or without the sonar installed. actullay both my copters are doing the same thing.
So how do I get the 2.0.46 back on the copter without using adrino? I was hoping to be able to call one of you guys to explain this better.
see on the phone you can walk me thru this setup, and data reading thing.