I have been searching the web for a guide on how to solder the pin headers onto a board, I need to solder 3 pins onto the pitot tube board, and 6 pins onto each 3dr radio. 

I know there was a video guide on YouTube not so long ago, but can't find it. I'm just looking for an explanation of the technique, temperature to use the iron, etc.

this is the only guidance I can find on Soldering in the Ardupilot wiki...

"Place a paper notebook on top of the pins and then, holding the board to the notebook, turn it upside down so you can solder the pins on the back of the board."

Here's a pic of the pitot work that needs doing... any help greatly appreciated.. 


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  • I've recently done some pretty bad soldering on some pin headers and then having worked out how it should be done I thought I would add to this question a picture that I would have found helpful (now I know how I should have done it, Nick's answer describes it perfectly, but that didn't help when I made my first attempt!)


  • Hi Richard,

    Watch carefully this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_NU2ruzyc4

    There are a few main rules for good soldering:

    1. Keep the soldering iron tip clean by scrubbing the tip in a lightly moistured (with water) soldering iron sponge;

    2. Keep the temperature of the tip stable....I prefer 310-325 deg C;

    3. Touch the tip to the soldered pin, feed the solder to the pin, wait to solder...appr.2-3 sec, remove the solder and soldering iron;

    4. The soldering should be smooth and shine !

    5. Use quality solder - say Sn60Pb40 with 2-2.5% flux and min 3 cores for flux.

    6. NEVER overheat the soldered pads/pins....try to solder them within max 4-5 sec!

    Hope this helps.

    Best regards


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