How high do I have to fly to be a UAV?

Hi guys,



I have been wondering if there is a minimum ceiling of operations where a flying uav is not classed as an aeroplane? I was reading about wing-in-ground-effect craft the other day and it was stated that they were classed under maritime legislation rather then aircraft, because I think they mostly fly under 150metres, does the same thing apply to UAV legislation. If I built a UAV flying boat that was limited to say 100ft would it be classed as a boat or a plane?






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  • I know somebody who is a member here that asked the FAA during a potential SAR if he could fly in the "gully" that was below the area they were standing. They said NO that is their airspace...... I am sure he will chime in here with the full story.

    I believe a WIG is classified as a ship. You might get away with that one.
  • Recreational use of small unmanned aircraft (IE Model Aircraft) falls under the guidance of FAA's AC 91-57. New regualtions are being developed. NPRM due out in March 2011.
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