I have six 880 kv motors on my hexacopter and I'm trying to write the rate P value in configuration.  My hexacopter weighs just over 5 lbs with the lipos and camera.  What value should I put in, knowing that this may change of course after flight trial.  But at least I have a base to begin with.


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  • bump


    must read

  • My hexa has an AUW in the region of 2.3Kg - with 880KV motors, 12x4.5 cheap (rctimer) props and a 400g camera about 200mm below the rotor plane i tuned RATE P down to 0.08.


    now with APC 12x3.8 props i have lowered STAB P to 3.7 and upped RATE P to 0.092 with RATE I 0.022 and RATE D 0.006, still plenty of room for improvement but perfectly acceptable.  your frame is obviously different, but i hope it serves as an example.




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