How to change the arducopter code?

Hi guys! Recently I've been thinking if i need to add additional ultrasonic sensors, i will need to change the code. So do i go about it? Do i have to change the code through Arduino, then upload to the mission planner? Where can i find information about this? Any help would be much appreciated. 

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  • No
    I think there should be methods using some applications ( which is available in github) for changing code and uploading it directly to pixhawk

    in Arduino and then upload using Arduino.

    Once you have it loaded on the board then use MP to do the tests and setups etc.

  • Developer

    Lucas, you need to have at least Arduino IDE (from, all the program codes from our repository, install our custom libraries (or define new sketch patch on IDE). 

    After that you can start modify as you please program code. 

    You don't need Mission Planner to upload new firmware, you can do it directly from Arduino IDE by hitting Upload button

    And yes, you need to compile whole code every time that you make modifications and you want to upload it to boards. To check if your modifications and language that you write you can just do basic compilation and when everything is ok you do upload which is compilation + upload behind single button.

  • You can just do the the changes in Arduino and then upload using Arduino.

    Once you have it loaded on the board then use MP to do the tests and setups etc.

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