How to connect MT3329 to Mini GPS software...??

I have a MT3329 GPS with the DIY Drones new firmware....( AXN1.30_2243_3329_384.1151100.1 )

I was to flash it with the old default NMEA firmware....

Where can I download the default firmware from....??

The main reason why I want to load the default firmware NMEA firmware is to connect the GPS with the FTDI cable to the Mini GPS software....

Even tell me if its possible to connect to the Mini GPS software with the DIY Drones new firmware...??

If possible plz tell me how do I connect...??

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  • So how do I fix that problem of 0.5Hz flashing rate...??
    Or its jus fine...??

    I have checked that he GPS locks itself when I take it outdoor....
    It takes about a minute for the GPS to get licked...
  • well I did not face any problem...
    I have flashed the GPS...

    and yes the blue LED blinks at 1Hx rate...
    1sec on
    1 sec off
    I hope thats ok....??
    And it is able to lock itself...
  • Where do I download the latest firmware from...??
    Cn u please gimme a link to download that...??
  • AXN1.30_2243 *is* the old (summer 2010) firmware. It has "the longitude error" in binary.
    AXN1.30_2278 is the current (newest that I am aware of) version.

    What do you think that the old firmware does that the new does not? The new talks NMEA @ 38400bps by default, as did the old.
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