How to connect to 3DR solo using only pc ?


Finally bought the 3RD solo. 

I trying to write some software that will be able to get information (telemetry data) from the drone and sending flying commands to the drone.

I reading the Solo development guid and i still can't understand some issues .. 

1. Is it possible to do what i trying to develop ?

2. Is it possible to connect somehow to the 'Accessory Bay' with some other additional communications hardware device and control the solo drone thru this hardware device ?

3. There is some application over android that can control the solo drone - those application connect to the solo RC by using WiFi. 

Can i write also some application that can 'talk' with the RC and having control on the solo drone ? 

Is there some android libraries that i can use to have the connection with the RC ? 

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  • 1. Yes

    2. Yes. You can connect to Pixhawk or to the Linux side. In the last case the drivers for that hardware have to be already available onboard.

    3. Look at Dronekit, the Solo app is written on top of it.

    • Thanks, 

      How can i connect to the Pixhawk ? 

      Is the DroneKit is open source ? 

      • Look at the development guide:  You can connect with UAVCAN or Serial.

        Yes, Dronekit is open source.

        • ok --- so this what i cant understand .. .the UAVCAN connection ... 

          How can i connect anything to the Accessory Bay ?


          Can i buy it from ebay ? 

          How i connect it to the drone ( to the pixhawk ) ?

          How i connect it to the power supply ? 

          I know that there is some telemery kit that i can buy on ebay - is there is some way to connect the Air Module to the drone ? 

          • I'm not sure how I can help you more. The connections are available in the accessory bay connector, you need a compatible connector and then connect it to your hardware. There is also an open source breakout board.

            If you are looking for something plug and play there's nothing yet available that I'm aware of.

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