How to display the sonar sensor input?

(I asked this on the ACM 2.6 thread but maybe the proper place is here)

I'm trying to display the raw sensor input of the sonar, but I can find which of the fields it is.  I'm using the latest s/w: ACM 2.6 and Planner 1.1.94.  My sonar is the EZ0 model.  Of course I enabled sonar in the proper config screen.  Neither the "status" nor the "tuning" fields of the planner show anything that seems to be the sonar reading.

Any ideas?


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  • With the introduction of LIDAR Lite soon, I hoped to test a horizontally mounted Sonar to provide real time distance to object information to the Pilot via Planner/OSD.  What would be your recommended way to do this?

  • You can still test it - use the terminal tab, go to tests and activate the sonar test.  It should start spitting out altitude values.  You can move the sensor around and see them change.

  • Developer

    sonar distance is not passed to the planner, as it is intergrated into the altitude solution

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