How to enable GPS???

I have connected the GPS to the ardupilot (GPS port on APM), it locks (LED goes solid), inserted GPS_PROTOCOL_MTK16 line in the config.h file, but Mission Planner shows that GPS is disabled on the terminal and on the main screen shows NO GPS. Any suggestions?

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  • I did enable the GPS in the mission planner, the light is still solid but the mission planner still shows GPS: No FIx. Anyone having the same problem?

  • Same problem here. the GPS working fine when APM powered from PC or laptop. but then there is no GPS data when powered with battery. is there someone who can help me ?

  • I have a similiar issue. I have just purchased an APM 2.5 and a GTPA010 GPS from the store. I cannot get a GPS fix with the mission planner. Any suggestions?
  • Same issue here. I have an APM1 and GPS was working before I upgraded to AP2.6 and MP1.2.8

    I am getting a lock on the GPS (solid blue led).

  • Same Problem here. "No GPS" in the HUD and "gpsstatus = 0". GPS was connected, but obviously not detectet doing the firmware flash.

  • All I did was plug it into my new apm2 and it instantly had a 3d fix.  I never changed any code yet as I am still slowly learning.  Hopefully that fixes the OP problem, but I am still stuck lol.

  • 3D Robotics

    You should not be enabling GPS_PROTOCOL_MTK16. The code will autodetect your GPS. Indeed, you shouldn't be loading the code at all with Arduino unless you need to change something. 

  • I am having the same problem....

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