i have logged my flight data into the mission planner and it shows number of lines for a time period.

i'm interested in the IMU data , where it shows 7 columns,

3 for the accelerometer , 3 for the gyroscope , and the 1st one is  TimeMS.

i want to know how those line numbers and the time are related because i want to know certain values of the the graph at certain time .

is it in milliseconds ? microseconds ? or something different ?

flight time graph (parking lot 25-3-2015).jpg

Accx graph (parking lot 25-3-2015).jpg

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  • 100KM

    Hi iyad

    Have you solved this problem? The TimeMS is the milliseconds since the start of the week - the week number is in another column. I just use a web site to do the conversion to local time.

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