how to load mission plans

I have a couple questions,


when using the APM_mission planner to load a mission should i overwrite the 'defines.h' file?


if i choose to save it as another name , what piece of code do i need to tweak to find that mission plan file?


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  • I just want to add one more question in this link about the accuracy of map. All the apps and API are using google map which is itself slight offset. So what is the more effective and accurate way to design a mission preciously ? Recently i design a mission using mission planner. I took the point using my mobile at the extreme corner of the land but when i opened it in google map and mission planner, i found it was deviate from the place where i have collected it. I am attaching a link which is having this.

    Please help in getting the more accurate way to design a mission.WhatsApp%20Image1.jpeg

    WhatsApp Image1.jpeg

  • 3D Robotics
    No, it will not overwrite that file. It's just looking for the info in that file to populate its menus.
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