How to Reset APM2 and Mission Planner to Defaults

Not sure if this is a hardware, mission planner or simulator question.  I had APM2 working great in X-Plane 10.  However, after loading the PT-60 param file the plane would spiral into the ground when set to auto mode.  I have not been able find how to get everything reset.  I did find a post saying to go to terminal mode then "goto setup > reset" but wasn't sure how to actually do that, i.e is that a typed-in command?

I assume these paramater settings would affect the real plane if not changed, so any help will be appreciated.


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  • Great, after reversing all controls in the configuration screen of the APM planner 1.1.95 mav 1.0 it works great!

    Thanks for your help!


  • I installed the APM planner on a clean PC (updated to the latest version) and loaded the HIL firmware.

    Then I connected the autopilot and saved the parameter file with the default settings. I will let you know the results after i tried this setup with X-Plane 10 Demo.

    Do you have a parameter file that works with X-Plane that I can try?

  • OK, Hessel!  Got things working again.  I took the brute force approach.  I uninstalled and reinstalled Mission Planner hoping to recapture the default parameters that way.  I then reloaded the firmware, first for the real plane then the sim version.  I then compared the PT-60 param file to what was in Mission Planner.  It was obvious that I got back the defaults.  I'm going to look at those differences in detail to see if I can spot what might be causing the problem.  Maybe this will help you.  Hope so.


  • You can try loading the firmware again. It seems to reset the parameters.

  • Great stuff. I wanted to start with the simulation but I can't manage to get the APM 2.0 with ArduPlane V2.40 HIL firmware controlling the plane in X-Plane. I'm using the xplane_PT60.param file in the APM planner.

    I can fly the plane manually in X-Plane 10 Demo using my DX8 transmitter with the receiver hooked up to the APM. I had to reverse Roll Pitch and Yaw though.

    When I switch to Auto the PT-60 turns and dives to a crash. I tried to reverse some controls in APM planner 1.1.94 mav 1.0 but that does not help (it seems to have no effect at all).

    I now switched my transmitter channels back to normal and used all the reverse checkboxes in the Simulation tab (top row) instead. I can fly manually this way too.

    Unfortunately Auto pilot mode is still not working (crashdive).

    Loading the Easystar.param file seems to have a (limited) positive effect, so I think the problem lies in the parameters used. I am still lost however.


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