
  • If you want a quick start, download the APM or ACM software from this site and load it with ArduinoIDE and start looking through the code. I have little/no experience coding so much of it was confusing to me, but it is very well commented, and I could decipher quite a bit of it.

    Is it possible in a year? Yes, I suppose anything is if you try hard enough, though it is hard for me to say as I haven't made it to that level of competency myself. Mechanically/aerodynamically they are fairly simple designs, but the physics/code required to make the "simple" aircraft fly and be stable is a little more complicated(at least to me).

    PS. Sorry about the "swivel" comment, I must try to remember that not everyone on the internet has English as their native language.
  • so are you guys done with it?


  • Hi,


    Thanks for the quick response! Would you care to elaborate on that? I really don't understand the dynamics of what you're saying


  • 3D Robotics
    Do you mean yaw? If so, you do it by speeding up the counter rotating props while you slow down the forward rotating ones, or vice versa.
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