Hey guys I had noticed when I hooked up the I2C port, to the four pin cable which can next to the compass on you blocks GPS, that it had a little more wiggle room than the rest of the ports. I took the four screws out of the pics talk, and I determined that the left side looked slightly disconnected compared to the others. There appeared to be no malfunctioning on the part of the compass, but I am unsure if this could cause an issue in the future. Has anyone noticed these ports seeming a little wiggly? Here are some pictures....




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  • Michael, it shouldn't be "looser" than the others, basically it shouldn't move at all.

    And if it does, it could be very easy to lose contact or pull off in use.

    I would contact 3DR tech help, I think you are going to need an RMA.

    Best Regards,


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