If you had a Grand...

Newbie starting out with a grand in my pocketAssuming I have an old eclipse 6 radio, lots of receivers and servos and a lipoprotein charger, what should I get next?Plane:Motor:Ardu.......:Ground station:Software:Other:

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  • Developer

    Places like RCTimer and Hobby king offer some great deals and ship from HK, not the US. If you build a quad, you can do your own frame, if you feel up to the task. 

  • I like the Easy Glider Pro w/ HobbyKing electronics. Probably costs 2-3X more than a HawkSky but way better quality, higher lift capacity, etc.
  • Developer
    Craig, I think in another thread you said you had RC experience. If that is the case no reason to limit yourself to a HawkSky. You could easily use any electric plane with sufficient interior room for mounting equipment. I would recommend something with ailerons, as it is much easier to get good performance than a rudder only airframe.
  • 3D Robotics
    Get a Dynam HawkSky and a APM kit. All the software is free (GCS, Mission Planner, etc)
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