Improving accuracy with another GPS on base-station

Is it possible to program both GPS to communicate with the same satellites?
Then calculate the difference between the two GPS data to get a better relative position of the mobile GPS?

I need  to get a relative Accuracy of less then one meter...
Any other suggestions?


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  • Endrew,

    Can I ask why you need accuracy of less than a meter?
  • Hi,
    In the the US and Europe there are working SBAS satellites (WAAS in the US, and EGNOS in Europe).
    These sats can be thought as a low resolution DGPS.
    I know that for WAAS, the accuracy is usually less than 1 meter (in open areas, not urban).
    Make sure you've activated the SBAS option in your GPS module.
    When going for a real DGPS solution, things start getting expensive and complicated.
    Just calculating the difference between 2 GPS receivers ("poor man's GPS") won't work too good, as far as I've seen in the past.
    uBlox products do support DGPS, but as said, and as correct to all/most consumer grade small-sized GPS modules, they only "support" it, you have to do some development of your own (transfer the DGPS data in real time on another RF channel).
    Not sure you want to go there :-)
  • What you want to do is called Differential GPS. I have seen support for this with some of the small GPS units, but I'm not sure if UBlox is one of them. I have no idea how to set up the communications between the GPS units, however. I would be curious to know if anyone here has successfully done this?
  • You're looking for something like the RTKLIB. It can give you up to 1 centimeter precision.
    RTKLIB: An Open Source Program Package for GNSS Positioning
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