Posted by
Inopia on September 6, 2010 at 7:09am
Just a heads up, Invensense IMU3000 chip is now available for purchase. It's a 3-axis gyro that's designed to be paired with a digital 3-axis accelerometer, and does sensor fusion on chip, removing the need for kalman filtering on an external MCU. Outputs are, besides gyro and accelerometer readings, temperature, attitude (as a quaternion), and lineair acceleration.
They sell a breakout board for $60 that comes with an accelerometer, so it's essentially a full IMU with handy I2C interface. I'm looking to get one but FedEx to the Netherlands isn't cheap, so if anyone is willing to share shipping costs let me know :)
Please contact me: fvaresano at yahoo dot it ..
I also sent a similar message on Arduino forum:
Fabio Varesano
I'm living in France and I'm working on a sailboat autopilot. I think that this breakboard with IMU3000 is the best IMU for this price we can find at this time so if it's not to late I'm ready to share the shipping costs with you. Let me know if you are always OK.
Yes, the shipment cost is simply crazy! I live in Italy but I think it would be possible to share costs anyway. Please contact me: my mail is fvaresano at yahoo dot it.
Looking forward hearing from you.
Fabio Varesano