IMU: Magnetometer or GPS or nothing?!?!

Dear all,
         I have a boring but (hopefully) simple question about 6 DOF me the following situation is not completely clear.
Any 6 DOF IMU has accelerometer and gyro on three different perpendicular
axis, ok.
My question is about the Z axiz for gyro_drift correction.

As far as I have understood, since accelerometer about X and Y axis are
almost parallel their reading cannot take into consideration to correct
the gyro drift because moving the IMU a small quantity along those axis
causes erratic results. Thus the only way to correct gyro along Z is:

1) using a magnetometer;
2) using a GPS which provide a velocity vector and thus a "track".

Is it right?!?
Or I can (vie kalman or DCM) correct the gyro drift (about Z) even using

Sorry but this question have been never clear to me and even if I read
along the forum I couldn't find any suitable answer.

Thank you very much to everybody in advance

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  • T3

    In the general case, you need a yaw reference to correct for the Z gyro drift, such as a GPS or a magnetometer or both.

    You can use either Kalman or DCM to somewhat reduce the gyro drift if the IMU is tumbling, but you cannot drive the drift to zero, and the technique does not work if the IMU is not tumbling.

    Best regards,
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