Inconsistent Connection to Mission Planner

Hey guys, I'm a newb with this APM stuff.  I run Mission Planner on my Macbook Pro.  When I have my APM 2.6 plugged into the computer, it is hit or miss on whether it connects right.  Sometimes, it will give me the "mode changed to stabilize" as soon as I hit CONNECT, sometimes it never connects and gives me the alert about the file doesn't exist, and finally sometimes it seems to connect ok, but it's not actually connected, because the attitude is locked and GPS is not displaying.

Any suggestions on what's making the connection so sketchy?  Also, when I do connect ok, do something, disconnect, go test fly... I have to close APM Mission Planner and reopen it before I have any chance of connecting.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

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  • Had similar issues on a couple of Mac's, 10.10 and 10.8

    It was a matter of installing the correct FTDI driver 

    I don't have the link but it is on the Mission Planner page for downloads

    • Well crap.  I installed the FTDI driver, and still the same issues. 

      "Error opening port: No such file or directory"

    • In other words, the driver installed automatically might not be the best.  I will search for what you're referring to as soon as I get home today.

      Thanks for the help!

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