Indoor Navigation

Any idea on how to implement indoor navigation around a circuit indoors?I understand that for the outdoor concept, GPS is used.What about indoor,I have colour sensing track lines but I would prefer to find an alternative as the lighting intensity would affect my calibration and thus result in a great deal of inaccuracy during my navigation.

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  • You can use a precise (+-2cm) Indoor "GPS":

    Here a couple of demos:

  • This was one of the main challenges of the 2009 International Aerial Robotics Competition. Everyone who fielded a flying entry was doing SLAM with some kind of ranging sensor. Because our vehicle rotates, we were using relatively inexpensive Sharp IR ranging sensors. Scanning laser rangefinders were popular, though expensive. For more details, the competition papers are at the competition web site.

    I can answer more questions about Embry-Riddle's competition vehicle (SamarEye); I'm the project manager and captain for that team.
  • Most of the university level quadrotors I have seen use laser range finders and or computer vision for navigation. Most of the work to date has been getting indoor navigation working in 2D so all of the SLAM (Simultaneous localization and mapping) algorithms are the same as for ground vehicles. 3D SLAM is orders of magnitude harder, but its an open research area so it is probably a little easier to get papers published.

    The paper by Grzonka et al. is especially interesting since they are using a mirror to use the laser range finder as an altimeter. This allows the UAV to determine the distance to obstacles and its altitude within a few millimeters for only $2375.00.

    You might be able to get good results with computer vision as well. The AR Toolkit looks interesting for landmark based localization, but it is licensed with the GLP not the LGPL for some reason. I am probably going to try this in the next few months.
  • Hi,

    Fantastic Stuff.

    Very inspiring.

    What concept is this using?


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