0 installing APM planner on Raspberry pi and setting up APM on quadcoptor. Posted by Bryant Ross on May 5, 2017 at 5:38pm I am having a hard time getting apm planner installed on my raspberry pi that will control my quad-copter. is there a raspberry pi image that will just work?IMG_20170304_133539.jpg You need to be a member of diydrones to add comments! Join diydrones Email me when people reply – Follow
I have APM planner running on Raspberry pi. I will try to post the image file.
Try postig for help here http://discuss.ardupilot.org/c/ground-control-software/apm-planner-2-0 The official home for APM Planner 2.0 support
Problem list
APM planner keep saying rc not calibrated.
flashed Q-brain with BL hali firmware. I dont know how to set it in apm planner
wanted to add secondary flight controller to raspberry pi using clearflight or maybe APM planner
I don't know how or where to connect sonic range finder to raspberry pi HAT or ardupilot .
what is mavlink and how do I use it?