



Baton Rouge, LA

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learning automation


Baton Rouge, LA

Activity Feed

Bryant Ross replied to Bryant Ross's discussion installing APM planner on Raspberry pi and setting up APM on quadcoptor.
May 5, 2017
Bryant Ross replied to Bryant Ross's discussion installing APM planner on Raspberry pi and setting up APM on quadcoptor.
"Problem list

APM planner keep saying rc not calibrated.
flashed Q-brain with BL hali firmware.  I dont know how to set it in apm planner
wanted to add secondary flight controller to raspberry pi using clearflight or maybe APM planner
I don't know…"
May 5, 2017
Bryant Ross posted a discussion
I am having a hard time getting apm planner installed on my raspberry pi that will control my quad-copter.  is there a raspberry pi image that will just work?IMG_20170304_133539.jpg
May 5, 2017