Hey guys,

I'm pretty new working with drones, and I really need help to get start. So, I'm doing a project, I've done a several research about this topic, but I didn`t find anything that really helped me. So, I need to control the drone according to my algorithm ( following a list of commands), i.e., build a software to control the drone. I want to take a picture with a camera coupled with the drone and analize it to recognize an objetct and do a task. I also, want to couple a robot arm in the drone to take an object. I need to make those stuffs connected, to work together, because I want to control a drone and then take a picture and identify an object(using openCV) and then send a command to the arm to take that object. I'm not sure if this is even possible. Anyone of u guys have had any similar expirience with that? I don't know if a need more hardware(raspberry, arduino) or I can do all those thing just with onboard "computer"...

P.S. the drone is the IRIS+, the camera is a gopro hero 4 (I know that I need a gimbal) and I need to build the arm(maybe using a servomotor controlled by an arduino).

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