Interesting GPS Power Problem

I have an APM1 with Mediatek gps connect via standard cable. I have had many flights in the past and seemed that when gps blue led locked on the red APM lite followed. I now loaded the new B6 firmware and the APM seemed like there was no gps - no flashing red, or solid red after the gps blue lock. I remembered the new sw was pickier about home lock (a good idea) but the gps was well locked.

I then unplugged the battery and ran from usb (no esc)..  The gps locked, and apm locked every time. My scope showed fairly clean +5. I then used the battery so esc were powered (I have a BEC running the apm, gps, etc).and the apm no longer saw gps lock. The scope showed a lot more noise on the +5 line, maybe from esc.

I finally just put a 470uf cap across Mediatek pins 1-2 and the noise disappeared.  The gps - apm lock works perfect no matter how it is powered. Just like the sonar, filtering power after a cable run might be a good idea - these are high impedance devices and we do have a very noisy electrical environment.

I only got one flight in after this mod, but it locked great and there was no doubt it knew where it wanted to loiter.

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  • Sounds like your BEC is buggy. What kind is it? It may have lost its' filter capacitor for some reason. Try re-flowing the solder on the cap  or the inductor may have a bad connection. It never hurts to have a filter cap near the load, but something happened to the BEC. Switching BEC's can get very noisy if the output is not filtered as opposed to a regulator. They just get hot and waste your amp-hours.

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