Internet Enabled UAV

Hi. I was just wondering, if you were to install something like the Verizon Wireless laptop internet card and have the internet anywhere service they sell along with it and hooked it up to a UAV, would it still receive the signal and be able to be controlled from online? Verizon sells an internet service that you can have on your laptop that allows you to connect to the internet just about anywhere, so I figure it should still work on an airplane, but it might not if it is flying to high.

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  • The more I think about this, the more I think that you have stumbled on what may well be the inevitable future on this.

    What system could possibly be better than one with nearly unlimited range, requiring a very small and lightweight module on the drone most likely, that could also have numerous other advantages and possibilities?!?

    I have a strong hunch that this is what it is going to end up being. I mean, hell, the average cell tower has what, a 2 mile range or more, and that is outdated info! Just being near one cell tower would give you miles of range.

    Not only that, but combined with GPS, it would be possible that if the drone passed through an area between cell towers that was beyond the working range, it could seek out the nearest cell tower, which could be easily detected well beyond the working range of one. Find nearest cell tower, call you (lol) and get further instructions? Maybe even somehow have instructions automatically transmitted when it reaches the tower - not sure about that one, but I bet its possible!

    Dude, I really think you have the new future standard on this one! Find a way to get rich form it! lol...

  • Your idea just gave me an idea to help make it work even better!

    See my post in this thread entitled "Magnetic induction recharging and cell phone towers"

  • That is one of the best Ideas I have seen on here! Bravo!!!

    I am not expert in this electronics configuration by any means, but I have a very strong hunch that there is more than one way to do just as you say, and the end answer may be one of those face-palm overlooked simplicities.

    In any case, whatever it takes within reason and cost, do it, figure it out, make it work any way you can - because especially with verizon, you could have almost unlimited range, aside from what your batteries are capable of anyways. This is cutting edge! Great idea! Go for it!

  • 3D Robotics
    That's what we did with our original Windows Mobile phone autopilot. It's easiest to just have a smartphone onboard with an interface to the autopilot than to try to code all those communications layers into the autopilot itself.
  • There are a bunch of software layers involved in getting this to actually run, but there's no fundamental reason why you couldn't fly a CDMA or GPRS or GSM modem that connects through your favorite cell carrier. This might be a useful starting point -
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