Project Title: Users' and Developers' Perspectives on Drone Usage

Hello everyone, my name is Elisa and I am working as Research Associate at the University of Sheffield (UK). I have been awarded a small research grant to conduct a study on users perspectives on drone usage.

Drones are an important social phenomenon. They can provide a wealth of visual opportunities but can also cause concern due to existing unclear regulation. So far, not enough attention has been given to what people think about drone usage. Your participation in this study will be very helpful in understanding how to mitigate the risks and maximise the opportunities that drones afford. 

If you agree to be part of this study you will be asked to answer few questions (e.g. Skype) and to support your responses with the drone images and videos you produce (if you wish).

For additional information I am sharing here in attachment the information sheet and the consent form.

Project contact details for further information:

Principal investigator: Dr Elisa Serafinelli


Participant Information_Drone Project_E Serafinelli (1) (2) (3).docx

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