Iris+ Problems

I don't know if any of you will be able to help.  I recently purchased an Iris+ and getting the UAV to start has been a real issue.  I follow the directions exactly to start the drone; turn on the controller, plug in the battery, and don't touch for 10 seconds.  Every time I do this I get the yellow error lights.  When I am getting the yellow error lights I cannot arm the motors, I only get a loud beep. If I wait patiently for maybe 30-40 minutes it might turn to green so I can fly it.  I usually have at least 5 satellites when I finally am able to fly.  And this is in a large open park area with out any buildings or mountains to block the signal.  But then when I need to change batteries, this happens all over again. Yesterday I updated the firmware in mission planner did the compass calibration in hopes of fixing the problem, it is still doing the same thing.  Any tips on what might be the problem and what I can do to fix it?  

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  • It might be that the GPS is receiving interferences from other onboard systems.

    3DR has some guidance on their website on how to troubleshoot some known issues:

    Look for the "Poor GPS performance" section.

  • There are numerous other errors that could be inhibiting flight. Like Paul said, hook up MP or Android with Droidplanner and it will verbally announce the errors that are keeping you from getting a green light.


  • I know that if pixhawk does not have a gps fix it will flash yellow till it gets a gps fix, the led will then turn to green and then you can arm.

    Best if you connect to MP with telemetry and you will see the issue.

    Normally it should only take a couple of minutes to get gps fix, but  I am also finding it takes longer of late to get gps fix.

    You may also disable certain parameter as to fly in stabilise mode (no need for gps fix)

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