Does anyone know?  Although I am still a beginner here, I don't see why this couldn't be done.  Perhaps public DEM data is not of a high enough resolution to provide accurate geospatial data, or maybe there are other obstacles?

Please let me know if I am not making any sense!

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  • If you read through the PDF software manuals from PIX4D, Photomodeler, and Agisoft (for example) you can pretty quickly decide the best methodology based on how individual software packages utilize referencing etc.

    I chose ground control points to tighten up my accuracy. Space them so that each is visible in a number of images. The software makes it simple to 'tag' them and it really tightens up the accuracy.

  • As long as you have some control points that you can match between the two DEMs, sure. It also depends on the level of accuracy you desire.

    • Thanks Tom,

      I was thinking that, instead of matching control points, software might actually find a match just based on the similarities of two DEM data sets, establishing that they exist in the same location.

      Does anyone else have experience with this topic, or clarifications?  Perhaps georeferencing your own data is actually more straightforward and accurate that this method...

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