
Is it possible to set ROI to none?

Hi, my goal is to make my copter maintain the same heading throughout its waypoint flight.  As it is, the copter yaws to face its next waypoint, which is not conducive to the photography I'm doing.

I know that DO_SET_ROI is no longer supported as of Mav 1.0, and that was the only way I'd seen to set ROI to none.  Can anyone help me?

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    Yaw tracking option ALtitude (in meters) Latitude Longitude

    • Setting will persist until reboot
    • The location is optional
    • The option is a number from 0 to 4
    • MAV_ROI_NONE = 0: Yaw will hold it's current angle
    • MAV_ROI_WPNEXT = 1: Yaw will point at next WP
    • MAV_ROI_WPINDEX = 2: Yaw will point at the desired WP at the index #
    • MAV_ROI_LOCATION = 3: Yaw will point at the indicated location (The location in the command)
    • MAV_ROI_TARGET = 4: Not implemented

    If you get it to work let me know I would like this on my plans as well. 

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