Is it really illegal?


OK, so I read the line which states: "The presence of a drone at a crime scene for journalistic purposes is in violation of FAA regulations."


Is it? Really? Only if it's done "commercially", surely?


And what's the difference between using a camera phone while rubber necking? Same problem, surely?


Then there's this: “These drones will be able to broadcast live from active shooters or SWAT team tactical units. … (It’s) very, very concerning to law enforcement because it could give the bad guys an upper hand,”


WTF??? Don't the TV copters do this already, and with far better lenses/cameras than a shitty little quad can carry???


I hate articles like this.

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  • Hi Euan, I just read the article and could find the line that you have mentioned.

    "The presence of a drone at a crime scene for journalistic purposes is in violation of FAA regulations." 

    I have never heard it before and I am not quite sure about the validation of this statement. Actually some should go deep into this and find the truth out with the help of a civil litigation lawyer.


    Civil Litigation
    We provide civil litigation services in debt collection, insurance claims, estate litigation, human rights claims, breach of contract, employment law…
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