"Yeah I too think you will get better results with Martinez, but it all depends on your setup, gimbal, camera etc. The big difference between Martinez and AlexMos is that the Martinez brushless gimbal software is open source. I’ve never tried a…"
"Thanks for that link SM. I too had the same issue with the old magnetometer. Someone suggested me to try implementing the full tilt-compensation but I was not that familiar with the full tilt procedure. But now it’s clear. I think the issue was with…"
"I heard that FAA has introduced some new rules and regulations but I don't think they are being started following. Whatever, the case will be different in Angola. I think you will be needing the help of an aviation law service.
You can always get…"
"Hi, Duran, I am impressed! This is really an inspirational video! I liked the designing of your SteadiDrone QU4D. But you could have created the video with the help of a video production company. They would have done a perfect job. I mean, the theme…"
"Hi Euan, I just read the article and could find the line that you have mentioned.
"The presence of a drone at a crime scene for journalistic purposes is in violation of FAA regulations."
I have never heard it before and I am not quite sure about…"