
this is a newbie question but it something that I haven't found any answer on the internet just yet.

Lets Say that I loaded a mission in a PixHawk 2.1 and after takeoff and trim the auto mode is triggered and the UAV is now following the mission uploaded in the Pixhawk. What would happend if a turn the radio off? Is it dependent to the receiver to continue the mission?

If I have a telemetry system to receive the flight info on a PC, can I comand the UAV via PC and telemetry? If so, is that comand dependent to the radio and receiver transmission?


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  • Thanks a lot! I'll do it!

    Andre K. said:

    It's up to you to configure. Read about failsafe on Ardupilot.org
  • It's up to you to configure. Read about failsafe on Ardupilot.org
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