I'm looking to get back into ardupilot and I'm a little overwhelmed at the flight controller options. My last board was the original ArduPilot Mega from 10 years ago. I'm wondering if there is a reasonably priced, popular/standard flight controller out there that is reasonably futureproof. I would say something similar to what the Ender 3 is to the 3D printing world.
My short-term goal is a single-rotor heli with GPS hold - I notice many FCs are primarily designed for quadcopters.
So far I'm considering:
- Pixhawk (2.4.8, clone?)
- DJI Naza M-Lite
- Mini Pix (Radiolink brand?)
- Holybro Kakute H7
- Possibly other quad style boards with H743? I see Diatone Mamba, and Matek seems popular
From what I can tell, the processor is going to play a big role in the future so I'm considering the H743 boards for quads and adapting them for my helicopter.