Is this a brownout?

After reassembling my hex with a 2.5 apm and new hex pdb, I tried a test flight or two and after flipping a few times and busting a prop, i reduced my expectations to just a hand test or two so i could validate my wiring etc. However, as i would arm and then throttle up, the copter would suddenly stop and disarm requireing me to re-arm. Id throttle up again and same cycle over again after  maybe 20 seconds of run-up.

I had re-soldered the whole pdb and had specifically re-soldered the APM power leads with a heavier guage wire than the stock ( Is it me or is the stock cabling unnecessarily flimsy?) but logic says that maybe theres a cold solder joint that disconnects power to the APM. Problem is whenever i check continuuity and futz with cables, it tests good. Anyone have a suggestion?

Thanks in advance


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  • Bart, It would help if you could explain the setup in more detail, particularly for people that has not seen your PDB!

    What is the supply voltage and current capability?
    Where is the supply being connected?
    Are there any Servos connected?
    What current is being taken with the motors not running?

    For a voltage drop to occur on throttle up suggests that the battery is shot, batt connections are making poor contact, very thin supply leads etc...

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