This is my first build of a multirotor and I just am asking to see if my part choices are going to work. I also want to know if I am missing anything in the build.
My goal with the Hexacopter is to have a copter that can lift a large amount of weight(at least 10 pounds), last a long time in the air(at least 15 minutes), and be able to support many changes(like if one day I want to lift an object and another use it as a camera copter). I don't know if my parts fill those requirements which is why I am here.
I would like to keep costs low(<500). Here are my current part picks and I would like some feedback if the motors are strong enough for 10 pounds after copter weight, props are right, etc.
Frame: http://tinyurl.com/k8snn26
Motors: http://tinyurl.com/ogetvqz
Speed Controller: http://tinyurl.com/mcft6g8
Props(10 inch): http://tinyurl.com/c3zwtap
Flight Controller(Adrupilot): http://tinyurl.com/q82h35y
Battery(6000 Mah 4s): http://tinyurl.com/lal32wy
Bullet Connectors: http://tinyurl.com/7zung39
Transmitter(9 channel): http://tinyurl.com/pvsj38c
Power Distro: http://tinyurl.com/p8b8lsp
Sorry that I had to use tinyurl but the hobbyking.com urls are very long! Thanks again for all the help!