Issue building code for pixhawk


I am trying to build a custom arduplane code for the pixhawk using the make px4 command and the px4-toolchain. I am getting an error in the toolchain:

On Windows please run:

  easy_install empy catkin_pkg

I tried deleting and redownloading the ardupilot, PX4Firmware, and PX4NuttX from GitHub several times and it didn't fix the problem.

Has anyone encountered this before?


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  • I solved this problem in the following way:

    1) download the source of "genmsg" from -> find inside the folder "genmsg" -> copy it into {path to your python installation}\Lib
    2) download the source of "catkin" from -> find inside the folder "catkin_pkg" -> copy it into {path to your python installation}\Lib
    3) download the source of empy from ->
    find inside the file "" -> copy it into {px4 folder}\Tools
    4) launch your python and make sure that the following commands work:

    import em
    import genmsg

    I hope this will help you..

    Standalone Python library for generating ROS message and service data structures for various languages - ros/genmsg
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