Joystick Control over Telemetry / Xbox

There doesn't seem to be allot of info regarding the newer versions of the MP and Joystick control. Im thinking about buying a USB Xbox controller and trying it out, but when I did a search I found people having to put together a custom build... If I had an joystick today, what would I have to do to start using it?

I also wanted to get an Idea of just how many people are using a Joystick for control....So for anyone that has had any experience with this, please make yourselves known!

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  • Are you planning to fly a plane or Quad with it?

    I've used a gamepad to control my plane with ArduPlane, it was a logitech F310. Personally, I found it to be not a very good experience. Setup was easy enough (note that it only works in auto modes like stabilse/FBW). However, the response from the gamepad joysticks is much less precise than from my Spektrum DX7. The servo movement was far more jerky than through the RC gear or even when the plane is flying itself in Auto mode.

    The final thing I found is that telemetry range is greatly reduced due to the extra datapackets that are being sent by the joystick.

    My original intent with the system was to try and get more channels than my DX7 has, so I could control a pan/tilt FPV camera as well as fly the plane. It wasn't to be, as the the F310 does not have enough joysticks to make this work (I'd need 3 - 1 for the camera and 2 for flying surfaces/motor). It was also made the servos so jerky that flying was unpleasant.

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