Jump high in Auto mode!

I play with Arducopter for over one year(from APM1.0 to 2.5). My quad(APM2.5) with V2.8.1 fly ok in auto, RTL, Alt_Hold, and Loiter modes. When I upgrade my quad to V2.9.1 , the RTL, Alt_Hold, and Loiter modes are also fine, but the strange things are happened in AUTO mode.

When my quad first try to fly in auto with four WPs plus one  RTL command. The default altitude is set to 25m. When the quad flow between to WP2 and WP3, the quad suddenly climb to all most 100m high, then dropped slowly in altitude. Fortunately, it completed the auto mission and return to home. But the altitude still about 40m.

After 2 more flies in AUTO, the quad still has the same strange behavior. So I reload the V2.9.1 firmware again. I changed the altitude of WP2,3,4 and RTL to 20m, WP1 still is 25m. The "Jump higt" behavior still happened in AUTO, but it happened during other stage. When the quad reached home, the quad climbed to almost 150m suddenly. We switch to stabilized mode and bring it down to ground.

So, what happened to my quad?

I put the two tlog files here.


2013-03-01 10-22-20_WP2.tlog

2013-03-01 11-41-00_Home.tlog

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  • T3
    Did you resolve this? I am having similar issues...
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