I started building an ATG-600 "supposedly carbon fiber" Hexa a couple years ago when that airframe was brand new, and ordered an APM 2.0 for control; it was also brand new at the time. But the project never got off the ground, since OTR trucking isn't well suited to modeling when you're on the road for months at a time. So all the new hardware wound up on the shelf, still in the box. Fast-forward to today and I'm off the road, and would like to continue the project of getting an FPV/AV Hexa in the air.

My, my, how the technology has improved. That ATG looks pretty lame next to the Tarot AF680! And these brushless gimbals?! Holy crap! But I digress...

I've been combing this forum for info on how to install and set up the ol' APM 2.0 and I'm getting discouraged. There seems to be quite a bit of confusion on how to simply, safely, and *reliably* power the thing along with other systems onboard, let alone how to integrate these other systems with confidence. And then there's the on-board magnetometer interference issue and various tuning issues, etc...

My question is this: Have these basic issues been put to rest on later versions of the APM board? Is the latest (2.6?) capable of reliable, straightforward installation and operation by an non-electrical engineer, with non-ambiguous, *non-contradictory* step-by-step instructions available?

Or is there so little actual difference in usability that I should just go ahead with the APM 2.0 board and try to muddle through the now-obsolete instructions and hope that I don't fry my board? In other words, is the new stuff *so much* better that I *should* set the old stuff aside and invest in the new? Your opinions are greatly appreciated.

Thanks, fellas.

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  • both boards are power the same way difference is new power sensor port on 2.5. use  pins on 2.0

    • Okay, thanks for your patience. I can be pretty stubborn when I get an idea in my head. ;-)

      So I understand now that you're telling me that there is no real operational benefit of choosing 2.5/2.6 over 2.0 and I will go ahead with the board I have. Wish I could find a case for it, though... Was there ever a 2.0 case? Maybe I could find a used one somewhere. I know they weren't offered when I bought my board.

      Can you elaborate on "new power sensor port on 2.5. use  pins on 2.0?" I'm not sure what that means.

      • yes there was a 2.0 case . there are different power module on the market see the wiki on connecting power module.

        • Okay, I will see if I can find an old case and also look into the Power Module. Thanks again for your help, OG. I appreciate your patience and now feel confident in the 2.0 and my ability to get it working smoothly. Cheers!

  • Apart from user issues because they do not understand the hardware aside . No no significant difference in hardware between the 2 they are almost identical in performance .  there were a number of damaged boards sold to the public with minor issues first release. the change in design was mostly cost savings to manufacture. no real difference between 2.0 & 2.5 besides the GPS shield hope you understand same APM minor difference not affecting performance.

  • ok I guess I am not explaining correctly all depends on frame design . wither you see any improvements over 2.0 or 2.5 . chages were made because of cheaper components and EMF causes by ESC throwing off compass . so if your setup passes compass mot test then no need to separate GPS & Compass . if you want to upgrade move to 32bit controller. 

    • Lol! I guess I'm not explaining myself very well, either. ;-) You're not really answering my overall question. I'm not worried about "upgrading" per se. I know the 2.0 can fly well. I just want to know if 2.6, (or 2.5.x) represents any significant improvement in ease of installation, clarity of instruction and/or reliability in flight. For instance, there are *many* of reports of fried boards in the 2.0 forums due to massive confusion about Power Input and Output, and changes were made to the power circuitry as a direct result. That's not "monkey see, monkey do," it's a serious design issue and is almost enough to make me abandon 2.0 in favor of 2.5.x or 2.6 all by itself. So many unfused 2.0 boards never got off the ground due to noob error! I'm not an electrical engineer, I'm confused by all the various "suggestions" on how to get power safely in and out of the 2.0 board, and I really don't want to have to design my own power schematic or *modify* the power rails to create safe, reliable power feeds to FC, FPV, Gimbal and motors, etc...

      I guess I'm answering my own question here. Can I get some confirmation on whether these power issues are easier to deal with on 2.5.x/2.6?


  • it real easy no need to use IDE just upgrade from mission planner by selecting the correct firmwear. Other option is to download firmwear file and point MP to the firmwear file, after the upgrade you will need to flash the PPM encoder or your ESC will not work!  no case you missed the boat on that no longer being sold. 

    • Thanks for your help.

      Okay, so no case. What about barometer issues?

      Can I use the Power Module with 2.0?

      Can I use separate GPS/Compass/Magnetometer, plug n' play? I assume they separated those functions from the main board for good reason. How difficult is it to separate those functions from 2.0? This is for an aerial video hex platform, which I hear tend to be affected most by the magnetic interference. 

      Thanks again.

      • Yes you can use other accessory but why would you want to besides the compass? Bogometer is already covered on 2.0 by GPS shield.

        mostly depends on copter design magnetic interference encounter by APM. Usually caused by ESC just get low EMIF ESC like 4 in 1 ESC Quattro . because if you going to change all that you may want to pick up a new one.

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