Landing Accuracy


I'm trying to spec up a new landing system. To see what is needed?

I was wondering what the best case and worst case accuracy of landing at a new site is? is there any homing beacon technology out there for example? So I can launch a drone, have it fly to a destination exactly? or how accurate is it today?


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  • Hi

    GPS accuracy standard is 5-15 metres 95% of the time. But you have to factor in the quality of the GPS equipment, terrain and environmental conditions.


    I get -+2 metres everytime in an area of flat land and good signal using a GPS/Compass Neo-6M module. However not reliable or trusted enough to land within a specific area without keeping an eye on it.


    OptiFlow sensor maybe the answer.

  • no homing beacon as such but on a good day I have gotten my quad to repeatedly land in a 1x1m square over 20 landings. All GPS dependent though. Guess worst case would be another city or country :) My GPS (3DR) can hop from England to France and Portugal when first starting or with a bad signal.

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