Light Ground Control Station GUI


I have used mission planner as gcs for long time, and it has a very good working for my needs until now.

Actually, I am giving control of uav through internet using mavelous project, and real video streaming (only 3sec latency), so anyone is capable of taking control of the plane, only standard computer and internet connection are needed.

But I would like to have control of the plane with a gcs too, but the gcs computer is only 1g ram asus eeepc, running ubuntu 12.04 lts with icewm desktop manager to use the least resources possible.

It runs video streaming and mavelous with no problem, and I want to run also a gcs. Mission planner doesn't work well with mono, and it seem to be slow with all this software.

Can you give me some advices of gcs running native in linux,  which one use the least resources possible and give access to all apm possibilities (change mode, edit waypoint, change parameters, pids, etc) ?

Thank you.

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  • Maybe Qgroundcontrol?

    Otherwise best course of action is upgrade your PC.  

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